Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Favorite quote of the week

It comes from Kelle's blog Enjoying the Small Things
"I lost my shit"
She is WAY preggo and the mommy to Lainey that just started Kindergarten this year and awesome Nella who just turned three and has Down Syndrome...
I think I have just found my theme for the year
: )
Losing my shit can be good, bad and everything inbetween
I want to be so fun, footloose and fancy free this year that people think that I seriously lost my shit
Here we go!
Day 1
Going to get off my ass and while a good, homecooked and nutrious meal is being oprepared and cooked - I am going ot COMPLETELY clean out my dining room so that my husband loses his shit when he gets home...
Gotta go take some "before" pics!!!!

The cooties have invaded

This house is a cess pool of germs
: (
A little over 2 weeks ago...
12  year gets sick for 2 days
gives it to her sister
6 year sick for 7 days
gives it to her father
hubby sick for 6 days
gives it back to the 12 year old
she is on day 3...
and now I have a headache and a stuffed up nose...
I don't see this ending any time soon...