I feel like a proud new momma!!!
My mom got to take my dad home and he is walking again :)
He uses a walker and they had to rearrange the house a bit, but he is home and taking the necessary steps (haha) to get back on track.
Mom has even taken him out on a couple of field trips to work and getting his hairs cut.
They even have a neighbor that recently became a massage therapist and she is going to come over and massage his legs one or twice a week.
He is going to dialysis 3 times a week, but we are in the hopes that he can stop in the not too distant future or at least go for 3 hours instead of 4 1/2...his bony ass just can sit still that long.
He wants to try and drive the block a bit...no worries though, his right leg was unaffected and his doesn't drive a stick...I do hope that my mom goes with him tough...
partly for his safety and the safety of others, but mostly for mine...
I have a secret...
He asked me to stash a pack of cigarettes and working lighter for him before I flew back home...
and I didn't.
I did leave a very sweet and heartfelt card, but I don't think he is going to see it as sweet.
He even threatened to cut off my Christmas present.
I love my dad more than I love his money.
I also told him that I couldn't ask him to do something that i wasn't willing to do myself.
I smoke when I drink, when I am home in Fla and when I am mad, but no more : )
We'll see how is goes when I actually go back home, but I think I can do it.