Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gonna get everything out of 2011 that 2010 wouldn't give me!

So, back from Florida after a two week vacation...or perhaps I should say family trip.  I cooked dinner, I cleaned house, I grocery shopped, but...I didn't have to drag 2 kids along and never had to do the dishes.  My mom followed me around like a Dyson vaccuum cleaner.  It takes a little getting used to, but we have a pretty good system : )

So for this year I am going to...

Work more
Stress less (possibly by taking more prozac?!)
Make a budget and stick to it
Save for something before I buy it...if I want it bad enough, I should save for it...period
Be a better parent (Miss M, we can do this!)
Be a better wife
Get off my ass and lose it!  Get me fit, eat healthier, better all around health stuff
Finally get this house clean, organized and then LEAVE IT ALONE!  If I quit messing it up, it will stay nice!
Work on "me" time so I can be better for others
Take a "me" trip...somewhere...anywhere so that I can miss others and they can miss me

That's it so far.  I reserve the right to change, alter, revamp or otherwise shitcan this list in part or whole.

Watch out 2011...I'll cut a bitch!