Maybe I am in the middle of some mid-life crisis or maybe it's just that too many "big" things are happening so close together or maybe I have too much of a tough outer shell and no one realizes that I am mushy on the inside...and why is it when I show any kind of weakness (a.k.a - natural human responses to juju-like stimuli) the wheels start to fall off everyone else's bus?!
This is why I act so tough and self-sufficient (sp?) all the time! I flippin have to!!!!! I get to the end of my rope...tell people that I am at the end of my rope and they just go on their merry way...then when the shit hits the fan and I hit the Prozac AND the Marlboro Menthol Light 100's and run around in tears - they get grumpy?! I'm sorry, did I miss something here?!
I try to keep my problems and girlie feelings to myself (I know this is wrong), but I don't want to add to anyone else's problem (again, I know - wrong) and now that I don't really trust too many people in my extended family, I have lost some of the folks I used to be able to vent to...
Thank you cyberspace for the outlet for bitchin and whining you have given me and thanks to those who stop by to check on me/listen to me/drive slowly by my curent wreck...
Ugh! Gonna head downstairs and build/paint/repurpose something, because those blogs are much mo better than these ones lately.
No more bitchin' and whining for today (tomorrow? maybe) and figuring out what I need and how to get it so I can feel better and get "me" back.
Don't you just "love" how being a strong women somehow translates to: your always the one holding it togeather??? and please, forbid if at some point you need help too! Everyone just can't understand that! btw, really digging your blog, keep it up! :)
ReplyDeleteThis made me cry tears. Love you girly. Take care and start throwing out some F bombs
ReplyDeleteMy Rx to you
Fuck you if you dont want to help me
fuck you you dont want to hear me
fuck you all you fuckers
fuck fuck fuck