So this is the 11 year old's $30 bed make over...she's getting to be a big girl (I couldn't get her to get rid of the ballerina quilt she got for her 3rd birthday!) and she picked out the new comforter that was on sale and mommy had a coupon - so it only cost about $20 - thank you Kohl's! We already had the lavender jersey sheets & the lavender fleece throw, picked up the bed skirt for $5 at the thrift store (had to break up all that purple) and the round sequined pillow for $2 and my mom bought her the beaded fringe pillow about 2 years ago. I love it when a plan comes together :)
The lack of dollars spent on this endeavor and my time rummaging thru local thrift stores helped me ease a discomfort that has been nagging at me lately...
Who am I?
Or better yet...
What have I become?
I used to be a pessimist and have switched over to the optimist side...this I am good with : )
The fact that I spend way to much time on the Internet and not enough time with another human in front of me is disturbing...especially because the human contact I do have is pretty much only with people that are related to me...don't get me wrong I LOVE THEM, but to steal a line from Peggy Lee...
"Is that all there is?"
I used to have a full time job, that actually paid me money, gave me benefits AND commission, I used to go out to lunch with adults and have adult I have a network of other stay-at-home-moms that I talk to on the phone while our kids fight with their siblings in the background and we tell each other to hang on a sec. While I am thankful for these adult conversations, most of the talk is about our kids or our husbands.
Is this all I is?!
I used to write letters and send cards to friends and family...and getting a letter or card back in the mail was like Christmas, I couldn't wait to rip open that envelope and see what was going on in my sender's I have sporadic texting, unanswered emails and nonexistent blog updates.
I used to go into local shops (even Walmart) where the checkers recognized me and commented on how big the kids have I don't even get off my ass to go to the store unless I have checked the Internet to make sure "my store" has it in stock...I used to make things and re-purpose things I was given or treasures I found in thrift stores...hell, I even used to buy things at thrift stores and then turn around and sell them on ebay for some decent money.
I used to be a size 2, ass kicking Tae Kwon Do machine that could do anything and wasn't afraid of anyone.
The four walls that make up my house are slowly becoming my world and thanks to (or because of ) the Internet...I don't actually have to leave my home to do anything...practically anything I want can be delivered to my front door...groceries, clothes, home furnishings, medications, stuff the dog needs, etc. It's like I've become an agoraphobic in training. Thank God I have to actually leave the house to take the kids to school.
I have never been a fan of change.
I am not really self-motivated
I hate being told what to do...
not a good combination...
So, dear cyberspace, it looks like I am going to have to get up, find my big girl pants...actually put them on and start kicking my own ass.
I want to get back to letter writing, no Internet surfing, go out and getting my hands dirty in the yard, walk the dog, playing with my kids, I want to wear single digit clothes, I want my life back!!! I want to go back to the trailer park where it wasn't about how big my flat screen is or if we have the latest and greatest blu-ray movie or explain why we don't have surround sound. I want to grab a board game and not the wii remote to see if Netflix has been updated. I want to play scrabble with my husband and piss him off using French words instead of him watching a game on the tube and the highlights on the computer while I'm reading a book on my nook.
I want the life we had before we were "blessed" by all this technology in our house...
Ok, I'm not gonna lie...I we will keep some of it...for practical reasons : )
I'm gonna keep my nook (hey, I don't have room for all the books on it and I get free ones from the library) and I will continue this blog...It's like a diary with spellcheck and feedback.
Let's hear it for heading back to the basics...we'll see how I do : )
Amen sistah
ReplyDeleteYou & me both ;)