Friday, September 16, 2011

Southern California has that Autumn feeling going on today!!!!

Oh yeah!!!!  My favorite time of the year!!!! FALL!!!!!

I am not completely crazy...I know that this weather won't last, but I am taking advantage of it while I can (it's kind of like a One Day Only Super Sale) I have chili doing it's thing in the crock pot and I started overhauling the back patio so we can actually sit out there and enjoy it without feeling like we are sitting in an oven!!! 

Started pruning some dead areas off the Jasmine (got it a few years ago to hide the neighbors dog pee & poo smelling back yard) pulled the dead eucalyptus leaves out of the "flower boxes" on the fence (they are plant stands I got at Target for 90% off, turned them upside down, stuffed them with the coconut stuff and attached them to the fence - ta friggin da!!!!)  Brushed all the cobwebs off the old ammo crates (I used these as shoe boxes as a kid and stacked them as part of an entertainment center in college...what can I dad worked in munitions when I was growing up) and I am going to take an old shelf, paint it black and put it on the ammo crates so the girls have a place for their rock and shell collection (and we can put stuff on when we eat out there)...that's it so far...better get back out there
: )

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