Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last day of summer vacation

All gone.
Bye. Bye.
Tomorrow I pack up the 1st grader and 7th grader for some brand new educational adventures.
Bummed that they are going to be on two different campuses, but glad that Miss A will get more of a "Jr. High" experience and not feel like she got dumped on another planet when she starts high school.
  Well, any more that she will anyway.  Makes me feel bad for all those kids that went to St. Mary's (private Catholic school back home) that only went thru 8th grade and then got dumped into the piranha infested pool called high school.
I will head back to work with a bigger load, but with my flexible schedule firmly in place.  Going to be in the office for 5 hours a day, but going to take every Friday off.
(And whatever bizarre juju the school calendar kicks out at me.)
The house got mostly purged, and mostly organized, I finished 90% of two quilts...we went to the beach, the creek, some tourist attractions and lots of pool time.
When all is said and done...Not a bad summer: )

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