Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dodging the bullshit and trying not to get any on me

So....when the shit hit the fan with the mil...I thought "Okay, I'm done" and have since moved on...who knew so many in the fan damily would be drawing this shit out...for almost 7 weeks now...the hits just keep coming...most of them targeting me, but unfortunately landing on my hubby and kids : (
I hate what this is doing to him and how it will eventually effect my kids...what grandma is their right effing mind walks by the grandkids and doesn't acknowledge their church?!  Even if she didn't hear them say "hi" (2 different kids) wouldn't you expect her to?!  Maybe I am being hypersensitive, but I am thinking not...
We didn't get invited to the family Thanksgiving, or a bil's birthday party...mostly because apparently everyone has been informed that we are no longer attending family functions for a while....SO F^*%ing NOT TRUE!!!  I SPECIFICALLY told her that I would not keep hubby or kids from her and that any invitations extended to our family would probably only be attended by him and the kiddies...that I needed time to heal from her attack...and by attack I mean her screaming at me that I need "to take care of J, take care of the girls and stay out of everyone else's life" can you feel the love?!  I wish this was all she did or said, but it kind of sets the can figure out the rest probably isn't too good. 
Gonna go channel this frustration and clean the shit out of my house while the hubby is off doing his 1/2 marathon...I may have to take up running just so I can skip out and go to Vegas ; )

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