LOST: My motiviation, my desire, that twinkle in my eye, the drive needed to properly & effectively care for those to which I am legally accountable and bound.
LAST SEEN: Thankgiving weekend.
Did I use it all up? Am I having some delayed reaction to the bullshit that is my exteneded family? Nervous about heading home for the holidays? Not really sure, but mealtime around here has been less than representative of the major required foods groups, the house is a mess, the dog hasn't been really walked, I have been eating like SHIT, not doing anything even resembling exercise...and I don't see an end in sight.
REWARD OFFFERED: I promise not to infect you with this mojo sucking juju bug...and maybe throw in some ginger snap cookies (granma's recipe!)
UPDATE: Haven't found my mojo yet, but I did find my ipod (just in time for plane ride!) and the missing netflix dvd!