Sunday, August 25, 2013

Almost there...

In the final stretch of Back to School prep...
Living room - clean
Bathrooms - clean
Laundry room - clean
Kitchen - mostly clean and geared up for some baking this afternoon
going to try an bake ahead and freeze some "on the go" type breakfast-y things since I know were are going to be dragging our asses the first couple of weeks
Teenager's room -clean
2nd grader's room - work in progress
she has been right there with me directing me what to get rid of for a big ol' yard sale at my friend's house in two weeks...she has a better location : )
More room for her and a couple of bucks in the meantime...everything that doesn't sell will be dropped off at the thrift store on the way home.
Will be headed back to work tomorrow as well...been working here are there as I can to get some positive cash flow, flowing...
combined with the whole house purge for the yard sale...maybe we can take a little vacation during the 1st quarter break...
I don't mind making a couple of bucks on our old stuff, but at this point I just want to get unused/unloved stuff out of our house!
Our place is 1,323 sf and it can't get any bigger since we live in a townhouse community with an H.O.A. and of course we live one of the only levels (there are 5) that don't have garages!  How can levels 1,2 and 5 have garages, but not 3 & 4?  I am tired of being an expert in shoving 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag.  If we had 1 more bedroom or an actual garage, it would be a little different...maybe...we would probably just buy more crap.

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