Monday, September 12, 2011

Gettin into a groove

So the kids only went to school for 3 days last week due to the Labor Day holiday and the Southern California blackout...just when things were looking up...BAM!!!!

Oh, whining! Except....(come on - you knew it was coming!)

Three friggin days into school and already the shit that is/are pre-pubescent girls has hit the fan!!!!!  Apparently a friend of my 6th grader that she has known and been friends with since Kindergarten is now giving her the brush off because the current Queen Bee does not like my daughter...did  I mention that we spent all summer with this friend and have taken/planned family vacations with and around each other...for a few years?!  Hell, once we had 9 of us staying in a one bedroom condo...AFTER spending 8 hours at Disneyland about bonding.

I feel caught between a rock and a hard place : (
I want my child to be "accepted" but I also want her to be herself and not be a lemming...
I was pretty much a social chameleon all throughout school...never fit completely into any clique, but marginally accepted by most of them...had punk friends, jock friends, band friends, stoner friends, surfer friends, nerd friends even some cheerleader friends...but I could hide in a crowd of hundreds...
The main problem here is there are only 56 sixth graders in the whole school  :(  kind of hard to seek out another social group when the pickins are so slim...

I talked to the other girl's mom and she is pretty pissed at her daughter's behavior (the issue came up in one small insident last year) and she will talk to her daughter...I'm not saying that they have to be best friends, but to kindly acknowledge someone's existance shouldn't be too much to ask...especially since you don't mind hanging out when no one else is watching...

I am very proud of the fact that my daughter is talking to us about what she is feeling and going thru (I suffered in silence) and she is the kind of child who will always stand up for what is rigth, no matter what the cost to her personally.  (She stood up for this friend at her old school in 3rd grade when the other kids were making fun of her size and clothes)  I just want her to find a friend that will stand up for her in the same way.

Little nerd children with huge hearts - UNITE!!!!!

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