Saturday, September 24, 2011

So white and fluffy :0 )

My new towels!!!  I know that this is a total bonehead thing to write about, but it's going back to the small, simple things in life that can make you happy...AND if you can acheive this for 80% off IT'S EVEN BETTER!!!!

Went into Kohl's looking for a new cookie jar...

In yet another round about (and not really simpler), simple life goal I have started making all of our treats at home from scratch and the gladware on the counter was not making for a very pretty kitchen.  I am not going totally crazy or organic with the baking (yet, give me time...maybe) but I want to be able to control what kind of crap we are I figured I wouldn't cook with anything I couldn't pronounce or buy on the grocery store shelf.

Any who...I didn't find the cookie jar there, but hit the clearance part of the bath towel area and found Vera Wang big, beautiful, and super fluffy towels $22.99 marked down to $6.59 and with my 30% off coupon...I walked out the door with them for $4.61 : )
My goal here was all about starting the day off right and for about $40 (6 large bath towels and 4 hand towels) I know that when my peeps and I reach for a towel after getting all squeaky clean it won't be dingy, threadbare or have any snags or holes in it.  It will be fresh, it will be white, it will absorb water and it will smell really can you have a bad day when it starts (or ends) so well?!

I may be crazy, but it's my crazy and hopefully it's a step in the right direction in better, cleaner and living with a more positive attitude.

And btw, I did find a cookie jar at Walmart for about $5  : )

1 comment:

  1. New, soft towels are the best!

    Glad you found a cookie jar; I was going to suggest a thrift store, because sometimes they have nifty ones that I have seen. =)

