Friday, January 28, 2011

One of them has to go...

I am either going to run out of money of this point I don't know which...I have been VERY frugal and VERY productive.  Maybe, just maybe, this is the new "me" I have been waiting for this whole time...?!
You know the "me" you envision yourself being as you sit on your ass on the couch surfing thru cable hell?!
We got rid of extended cable, I got a part time job, went home to Florida for 2 weeks to recharge, put my youngest into EAK (early admission as FREE daycare 5 days a WEEK!!!!) and began to start AND finish projects!

Yesterday's project - putting together new gazebo type thing for back patio (reg. $154 @ Target and I snagged it for $99)  This way the kiddies and puppy won't get too fried in the SoCal least in the backyard : )

After the house, I will reorganize and make pretty with the blog!


  1. Woo hooo...
    You are getting your happy back!

    I'm still looking for plane tickets and such!
