Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Life as a Chameleon

It's the weirdest thing...
I don't fit in...

I can adapt to my surroundings, carry on reasonably intelligent conversations with different folks, with different backgrounds...
In junior high and high school, I was friends with jocks, punks, band geeks, regular geeks, cheerleaders, stoners, brainiacs, I think I about covered all of the cliques...but never had one of my own...
I lived on the other side of town in our double-wide...the kids in my neighborhood went to the junior high and high school a mile and a half up the street and I got to ride the big yellow bus...
I took Tae kwon do after school and because of my height, I took the adult classes, so I became everyones little sister...ok to hang out with in class, but never got to go have fun afterwards...sometimes i did the annoying little sister thing and got to tag along, but not often
In college I hung out in the "alternative" club scene and it was great - I never felt so alive or so welcomed...until everyone found out I wasn't bi and didn't do any drugs...still they let me hang out on the fringes (because I DID drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney and LOVED to dance and go to local live shows.)
Then I fell in love and packed up my shit and headed to Cal-i-forn-i-a!  Went from being a kind of big fish in a little pond (hey, you go out 6 out of 7 nights a week and you get to be like Norm on Cheers!) to living outside of a city with a population of 1.3 million...I'll just keep my self and my attitude at home thank you...
Thought I fit in pretty good with his family (not really the case...see previous posts), we got married, goofed off for a number of years...had a kid...bought a townehouse...had another kid...
I'm too old to really fit in to the current stay at home mommy crowd, although I do have some "friends", I have some friends at church, but we mostly just talk on the phone and say "hi" at church...I work with a great bunch of ladies, but it's just work...
I feel like everybody's plan B...the girl to go to when no one else is availalbe...I'm good for a laugh and an inapprpriate comment or two (let's face it, it's more like 112) this even applies to the hubby...don't get too upset with him, it's a situation I helped create...he likes crowds and action and I am a homebody...

Maybe my mom should have tied a pork chop around my neck...then i would have at least had the dog...

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