Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Giveaway! New Sponsor! New Guest Blogger!

While I am all for someone getting paid for blogging (I mean who wouldn't want to get paid for their opinion?!)  but man I wish some of the blogs I follow would...oh, I don't know - Blog?!

I have found some interesting blogs by people being a guest on a blog I follow, but sometimes it seems that all there are...are guests...what happened to MY blogger?  What happened to what is going on in YOUR life?  What are YOU doing?!

My other "soap box moment" is blog sponsorship and the giveaways they propagate...I seriously think it's a new form of chain letter...if I follow these 17 steps and "Like" them in 12 different areas and leave a comment on their page and yours...I might get something for free...I'm really glad that MY blogger got something for free, wants to share AND gets paid by the sponsor...but multiple times a weeks?  Sometimes multiple times a day?  It gets to a point where it feels like your just showing off...I know I signed on to see what you are doing and what is going on in your life, but if I wanted commercials and talk show guests I would resubscribe to extended cable...


  1. Amen, sistah. I'm with ya.
    It gets a little annoying because I want to read what they originally had when they started to blog.


  2. i ditched many of the blogs i read because it was the same stuff every time they wrote… no heart or humor, just here's why I am better than you. Nothing real life or disasterous, which is why I read so I can say < "Oh…my life is just like that!" "my kid is just a sstupid as yours! imagine that!"
