Thursday, February 17, 2011

Help me Obi Wan're my only hope

Or better translated as "I  called my dad and asked him how to fix my DIWhine problem AND sent pictures...

He of course told me what I should do, because duh - he knows everything - he's my dad : )

We'll see if his advice works...the advice is solid, it's just my ability to implement it that's in question...let the hubby do it, give the guy a chance you say?!  Please see previous posts regarding my adult ADD/ADHD ...I have no patience whatsoever and if I don't get this project done - how am I going to get the rest of my house clean?!  That's right I have an issue...don't know it's official label but basically let my enitre house fall to shit while I wait to finish ONE project that is completely unrelated to the needs of my house and family....why do I need to finish the bathroom downstairs before I put away my laundry upstairs?  Don't really know, but there is a huge pile of it waiting for me to get over my mental hurdle and put it away....

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