Monday, February 21, 2011

Narnia here I come

Yep, I'm going into my not quite walk-in-able, walk in closet...I would post pictures, but someone might think that the rest of my house looks like this (some areas, it's a close my craft closet) and the next thing you know the production crew from "Hoarders" will be showing up at my door.

I have such dreams and aspirations to lead more of a Pottery Barn/Restoration Hardware catalog kind of life...but alas, the trailer park budget (and my own style quirkiness) says a big, resounding NO WAY!  It just isn't going to happen.  So, off I go into the quagmire with empty grocery bags in hand for donation and trash collection...if I don't make it out - someone please feed my kids...


  1. quagmire?... that is quite a word.
    I'm frightened....

    take a bottle of Vodka and an alarm clock...just for safety reasons

  2. how about the vodka and a pillow?! it is a pretty big closet : )
